Spinal Fitness Classes
- Struggling with everyday niggling back pain?
- Do you need education on ways to look after your back and reduce episodes of pain?
- Looking to improve your posture?
What is a Spinal Fitness Class?
Spinal Fitness Classes incorporate mat based strength and stretching exercises. The classes utilise floor and fitball exercises, yoga based stretches and pilates principles of abdominal control and breathing – a perfect chance to thank your spine for all the hard work over the years of gardening, lifting and sitting.
What are the benefits of a Spinal Fitness Class?
During the 10-week Spinal Fitness Class term, our fully qualified therapists teach you awareness of the movement and control of your spine. Through specifically targeted exercises, you should notice improved abdominal muscle control and a reduction in everyday back niggles, showing you how to look after your spine and reduce the risk of developing back pain.
- Spinal Fitness classes are run over four terms throughout the year in line with the relevant school term (where possible), meaning terms range in length from nine to 11 weeks duration.
- Clients purchasing a discounted 10 class pass must book a specific class for the entire term.
- Change of class is not allowed except in extenuating circumstances or in line with our Cancellation Policy. Make Up Classes are available within the same term and cannot be carried over to the next term.
- In week eight of each term, existing class participants will be given preference to rebook their class for the next term. If bookings are not made within seven days, places will be allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis.
- Except under extenuating circumstances, no refunds, transfers, suspensions or extensions are offered on unused portions of the class passes due to illness, injury or any other reason. If you wish to apply for pause under extenuating circumstances, please complete this form.
- Class passes are only redeemable for the specified class for which they were purchased for.
- Your redeemable receipt will be provided at the completion of the specified number of sessions on the pass detailing exact dates attended. You can then claim this directly from your private health fund (if applicable).
Comfortable, loose fitting clothing and a drink bottle. Shoes are not essential during any class, but socks must be worn.
The exercises are gentle, not strenuous. They are aimed at people with little or no back pain, or those in the final stages of recovery from a back injury.
Yes. If you are unable to attend your regular class, your must advise us prior to 8am on the day of your scheduled appointment, otherwise a make-up class will not be offered. This updated policy will allow those on the waiting list to fill spots and will ensure our groups keep running smoothly. All make-up classes need to be booked in and are subject to availability. All make up classes need to be attended in the same term (there is no carry over to another term).
Term fees must be paid in full before the first class. For ease of processing, pre-payment via bank transfer is preferred. Invoices are adjusted to account for public holidays or shorter/ longer scheduled school terms.
Our Spinal Fitness Class terms run in line with the relevant school term. There are four ten week blocks of classes available throughout the year.
Yes. The class is fully supervised by a qualified physiotherapist (or exercise physiologist in some cases), so rebates can be claimed through most private health funds. To claim, some funds may require you to have a 1:1 consultation for goal setting and treatment planning every 12-months. Private health fund claims can be made after the classes have occurred and only on the sessions actually attended. For this reason, a receipt will be provided at the completion of the term detailing exact dates attended.
Package deals are available for booking the ten week term. Contact your nearest clinic for full details.