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Isabella Kimball

A north east local, Isabella always knew she was interested in helping others. Throughout her studies she gained experience through volunteer work for the Murray Bushrangers, and has further cemented her interest in musculoskeletal injuries since commencing with Flexout Health. When she’s not busy at work, Isabella loves to keep fit and active through hiking, running, pilates and gym.

Areas of Specialty

Sports injury management
Diagnosis and management of low back pain
Diagnosis and management of neck pain and injuries
Diagnosis and management of knee injuries
Strength and conditioning
Exercise rehabilitation
Rehabilitation following orthopaedic surgery
Hip and knee osteoarthritis management
Fracture management
GLA:D Hip and Knee Program


Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Charles Sturt University)


Australian Physiotherapy Association member

Isabella grew up in north east Victoria and throughout her high school years, always knew she was interested in helping others. After taking a couple of years out to live in Melbourne and travel Europe, she decided to settle in Albury and studied a Bachelor of Physiotherapy at Charles Sturt University, graduating in 2021. Since commencing with Flexout Health, Isabella has gained experience in areas such as disability, hip and knee osteoarthritis management, as well as sports and workplace injuries. She also gained experience through volunteer work for the Murray Bushrangers and various local cycling events. Isabella has completed further training in dry needling and is an accredited GLA:D Hip and Knee program provider.

Outside of work, Isabella loves to keep fit and active through hiking, running, pilates and gym work. She also loves to snowboard through the winter, and go paddle boarding down the Murray in summer.

Isabella Kimball


Albury, Thurgoona

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